Other Mental Health Support
Gloucestershire NHS Talking Therapies
Gloucestershire NHS Talking Therapies is our Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service, covering Gloucestershire.
Find out more about NHS IAPT services here.
We are your free, friendly and approachable local NHS service that treats common issues like:
We do this by using evidence-based talking therapies. Our service can be accessed face to face, on the telephone or online by anyone aged 18+.
You do not need to be referred by a GP and you can refer yourself online by visiting our website. Alternatively GP's and other professionals can refer you to our service.
Find out more about Gloucestershire NHS Talking Therapies and the services offered on our dedicated website – Let's Talk 2gether. |
Gloucestershire Cando Helpline
Gloucestershire Self-harm helpline was brought to a close on 31st March 2023. This was replaced with a new helpline, providing support for adults living in Gloucestershire, with their mental wellbeing - Gloucestershire Wellbeing Helpline. After a period of consultation with experts by experience, we have now rebranded the Gloucestershire Wellbeing Helpline to CandO (Connect and Offload).
Support provided:
Our helpline is here to support adults living in Gloucestershire who are experiencing mild to moderate wellbeing difficulties, such as anxiety, low mood, or depression, including support for self-harm. We can also provide support and information to friends, family, carers, and professionals. The service is open access and there is no need for a referral.
Telephone: 0808 801 0606
Text: 07537 410 022
Webchat: https://gloucestershirecando.org/
365 days per year between 2 pm and 9 pm
An independent network of support among people in Gloucestershire who have had, or are experiencing mental health difficulties.
The Butterfly garden
is an educational, therapeutic and recreational scheme, based initially on gardening, but now offering so much more. It is a project for people of all ages dealing with disablement of any kind. It caters for those looking to escape the world, those looking to re-enter it and some, who are still just looking. Its doors are open to anyone without obligation.
On your Mind Gloucestershire
On Your Mind Gloucestershire - children & young people's mental health - NHS (onyourmindglos.nhs.uk)
Treasure Seekers
We believe that it is in community that people thrive and grow in all the areas of their lives. Unfortunately, many people fall through the gaps of getting the support they need, and many struggle to get into community life. So we set up this Social Enterprise in 2012 to change this! We now work with over 2000 people, through over 20 activities in Gloucester. Our community includes people with learning disabilities, mental health challenges and complex needs, and young people. We help people come in to community, and then receive support and training through our supportive environment. People can then release their potential, moving closer to becoming the best versions of themselves!
We help people grow in:
Mental Health
Physical Health
Training Opportunities
Building Community
The Independence Trust
Provide a range of services that’ll support you in strengthening your emotional and physical wellbeing. They offer to support you to fulfil your potential and offer assistance in a variety of settings, including your home, or other places you feel comfortable. Support is tailored to meet your own needs,
Action for Happiness
Happier Kinder Together | Action for Happiness
Bristol Mind
A mental health resource for people in Bristol and surrounding areas providing: information and signposting service
a wide range of advocacy services
low cost counselling
a confidential helpline MindLine 0808 808 0330 (Wed-Sun, 8pm to midnight)
a confidential Transgender helpline 0300 330 5468 (Mon and Fri, 8pm to midnight)
a hate crime service
volunteering opportunities
high quality training courses
Hub of Hope
Mental Health Support Network provided by Chasing the Stigma | Hub of hope
A leading UK mental health charity. We work to improve quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness. Please explore the icons below to find out how we help people
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
An award-winning charity dedicated to preventing male suicide.
Offering support to men in the UK, of any age, who are down or in crisis via our helpline (0800 58 58 58), webchat and website
Challenging a culture that prevents men seeking help when they need it, through CALMzine and campaigns such as #ManDictionary and #BiggerIssues
Pushing for changes in policy and practice so that suicide is better prevented, via partnerships such as The Alliance of Suicide Prevention Charities (TASC), the National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA)
Supporting those bereaved by suicide, through the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP), hosted by CALM, which aims to ensure that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered and receives timely and appropriate support.
Counselling Directory
They have a page on suicidal thoughts which can be found here: https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/suicidal-thoughts.html
The Alliance of Suicide Prevention Charities (TASC)
TASC is an alliance of the leading charities dealing with suicide prevention and mental health issues. The TASC website is an educational and resource hub. They do not provide direct services but have information about members and their work.
GCS specialises in providing counselling and training counsellors to professional standards. A British Association for Counselling And Psychotherapy Accredited Service.
There is an initial fee and then an ongoing counselling fee to be paid for each session.
Gloucestershire Counselling Service
Alma House
52 / 53 High Street
Telephone: 01453 766310
Listening Post
A professional voluntary counselling service and an organisational member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and work within their Ethical Framework. They provide counselling for anyone over 18, regardless of financial status, gender, religion, sexual orientation or ethnic origin.
They ask that, based upon individual means, clients make a donation per session.
Email: lpostcounselling@listeningpost.org.uk
They have three Counselling Centres in Gloucester, Cheltenham and Stroud.
St Aldate Church, Finlay Road, Gloucester, GL4 6TN
01452 383820
Hester’s Way Community Resource Centre, Cassin Drive, Cheltenham GL51 7SU
01242 256060
Northcote House, Middle Street, Stroud, GL5 1DZ
01453 750123
BACP are the professional association that ensures counsellors meet professional standards.
The Find a Therapist directory is a paid for directory where BACP members can advertise their services to potential clients and people who want therapy can search for qualified counsellors or psychotherapists in their area.
Run completely free online Support Groups on Anxiety, Suicidal Thoughts & Feelings, Depression, Stress Management and General Mental Health issues.
Artlift is a registered charity running creative courses and projects with proven health benefits. Our courses are available to Gloucestershire or Malmesbury Primary Care Centre (MPCC) patients who are at risk of developing or have developed poor mental health.
Lifting the Blues
Lifting The Blues is a charity dedicated to supporting the loved ones of sufferers through music and with the ultimate ambition of lifting the stigma of mental health
Gloucestershire provides a comprehensive range of specialist emotional wellbeing and mental health services for all children and young people (0-19 years) who are registered with a GP in Gloucestershire. They have a subcontracted, partnership working with voluntary agencies such as Action for Children (AfC) and Teens in Crisis (TiC+)
​The team is based at Evergreen House.
You can telephone on 01242 634050
Please click image for more information
**Taken from website**
“We are a specialist mental health service for children and young people up to their 18th birthday who are finding it hard to cope with their feelings and other mental health issues.
In Herefordshire the Service is called CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service) and in Gloucestershire it is called CYPS (Children and Young People Service).
We are a specialist emotional wellbeing and specialist mental health service for all children and young people registered with a GP in Gloucestershire or Herefordshire.
Everyone feels stressed, anxious, down or angry from time to time but sometimes these feelings can be overwhelming and just won’t go away. Usually children and young people referred to us will be experiencing emotional wellbeing problems that significantly affect their ability to cope with normal stresses and demands of life.
Our staff are specially trained and have lots of experience of talking to children and young people, and their parents and carers, about thoughts and feelings. There are many ways we can help. Everyone who uses our service can talk privately and confidentially. Most importantly, we are here to offer help and understanding.
If other services or professionals are already providing support, we may think about working in partnership with these staff to ensure the best possible plan of care is achieved.
We work in many different ways with young people, depending on their needs. Our team of psychiatrists, psychologists, community nurses, and therapists provide specialist support for the young person and their family. This could include any of the following:
Art therapy – using art to help express and understand your feelings.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – a talking therapy that can help manage your problems by helping you to change the way you think and behave.
Family therapy – working with the whole family to help you understand each other better and to generate shared solutions.
Occupational therapy – helping you deal with things you do every day.
Psychiatry – diagnosing and treating mental health conditions.
Psychology – helping you understand the links between what you’re thinking, what you feel and what you do.
Psychotherapy – helping you understand how important relationships and experiences have influenced your life.
We also work in the community to help promote emotional wellbeing in schools. For example, we support teachers, youth workers and other people working with young people by offering them support and training on identifying mental health needs.”
The UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people.
They strive to make sure everything, from Government policy to practice in schools and services, is driven by young people’s experiences and aspirations.
They support parents to help their children through difficult times, and equip professionals to provide the best possible support to the young people that they work with, and empower young people to change their world.
Speak to our experts at the Parents Helpline – call 0808 802 5544​
The Mix
A UK’ leading support service for young people.
They support young people aged under 25 and take on any challenge you’re facing – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs.
You can talk to them https://www.themix.org.uk/get-support via online, social or our free, confidential helpline
XenZone is a provider of online mental health services for children, young people and adults. Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.
For more information about XenZone, please visit https://www.mentalhealthatwork.org.uk/organisation/xenzone/
If you’re a parent looking for more information about Kooth, please email parents@xenzone.com
Young Gloucestershire (YG)
YG supports young people (11-25 years old) who are facing some very difficult times; whether it be a disruptive home life, caring for a family member or coping with a mental health issue.Young people turn to us for help and we offer them practical ways to find confidence and develop the skills they need to get on track and to move into a job, education or training.
The Door Youth Project
The Door is Open so every young person and their parents can feel safe, happy and valued, with the best possible opportunity to reach their potential. At The Door they believe in the potential of every person.
The Music Works
Our mission is to transform lives through music. Specialists in working with young people in challenging circumstances to help them reach their full potential in music, in learning, and in life.
Teen Mental Health – A Guide for Parents
For many teens, COVID-19 meant missing out on some of the biggest moments in their young lives, with school closed and social events cancelled. Months in lockdown also meant a rise in cyberbullying and body dissatisfaction as teenagers spend more time on social media.
This guide from MyTutor shares seful tips and advice for parents to help their teens overcome body image issues, academic anxiety, peer pressure and cyberbullying, including links to other important teen mental health resources – all of which can be helpful in these uncertain times.